Product Details
Your WiFI puts out EMF Radiation that has a biological impact. When You Don't Need It, just KILL it--With Our Exclusive Safer Tech WiFi Kill Switch.
Wi-Fi breaks not only create more time for face-to-face connection, they reduce exposure to EMF radiation-- which lessens your body's overall toxic load.
Distance is our friend when it comes to tech safety, so physically unplugging the internet every time you want a break is not ideal--
Our WiFi Kill Switch makes turning off and unplugging delightfully easy. A Digital Detox every night! We're SHIPPING NOW!
Our WiFi Kill Switch makes turning off and unplugging delightfully easy. A Digital Detox every night! We're SHIPPING NOW!
Give it a try-- you might just be amazed at the results. Honestly it's The "Best EMF Protection" for your home. -We know it's not safe to sit next to the WiFi router and it's not safe to sleep near WiFi.
So, it follows it's not a great idea to get too close to your WiFi even when you want to turn it off. This WiFi off/on switch is your WiFi- safe answer. EMF Experts world wide know we sleep better and feel better in a wireless free environment.
EMF PROTECTION THAT REALLY WORKS! -- Because it can be overwhelming and confusing. I've been researching this for decades and I know what works for me and others who are sensitive to EMF.
We Chose The Safertech WiFi Switch:
- High quality at a great price.
- One quick burst of 433 MHZ signal. It is an RF EMF, but I've used my meters and unlike two way wireless signals from WiFi, Bluetooth and cellphones, the technology is only one way and ONLY sends when you press the button.
- Is not point of site, can go through walls up to 100'
- Eliminates wasteful standby power and reduces energy use; save on your electric bills
- 1 switch and 1 outlet
- Easy set-up. A joy to use!
- Switch Can Be Used With Up To 3 Outlets- Add extra outlets in the drop down
- Battery included for remote - 23A 12V
- Please make sure your router does NOT have Power Over Ethernet because this will keep the WiFi Router powered ON whether you want to shut it off or not
- Please make sure your modem and router is NOT a combo all-in-one unit as the modem will be powered OFF as well with the WiFi
Each WiFi Switch Can Work With Up To 3 Outlets!
Our Wifi Kill Switch can be used internationally. A US adapter is required